Wednesday, 10 February 2016

Fullstack Scala Developer Online Course

If you are a Developer or Java Developer or FP Developer and wanna settle down as a "Fullstack Scala Developer", its time to learn and get good Job with decent Salary Package.

Now-a-days most of the companies are developing their applications using Scala Fullstack Technologies.

I have been working as as Fullstack Scala Developer  for last 2.5 years and have good experience in Java Fullstack Technology (See my Linkedin Profile)

I have been giving online training on Scala, Java, Spring, Hibernate, NoSQL, BigData Technologies.

Fullstack Scala Developer Online Course Content:

  • Scala 2.11.7
  • Play 2.4.6
  • Akka 2.3
  • SBT/Maven
  • CoffeeScript
  • IntelliJ IDEA 15/ Eclipse IDE 4.x
  • ScalaTest,Spec2,ScalaCheck,Mockito
  • MicroServices with Play and Scala
  • TDD
  • BDD
  • SCoverage
  • Scalastyle
  • Functional Programming Design Patterns
  • Machine Learning with Scala

If you want to take-up my course, please contact me on my emailid:

Thank you for reading my posts.

Please provide me your valuable comments or suggestions.

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