Wednesday, 2 September 2015

Four Categories of NoSQL DataBases

In this post, we will discuss high-level categories of NoSQL Data Stores.

NoSQL means Not Only SQL Data Stores.

There are mainly four categories of No SQL DataBases or Data Stores:

  1. Key-Value NoSQL Data Stores
  2. Document-based NoSQL Data Stores
  3. Column Family NoSQL Data Stores
  4. Graph NoSQL Data Stores
Key-Value NoSQL Data Stores:

These NoSQL Data Bases store data as Key-Value pair like Map or Hashtable concept.

There are very simple and easy to use NoSQL Data Stores.

Redis, Amazon SimpleDB are Key-Value NoSQL Data Stores.

Document-based NoSQL Data Stores:

These NoSQL Data Bases store data in documents in the form of JSON.
These are very efficient in Querying Data.

MongoDB, CouchDB

Column Family NoSQL Data Stores:

These NoSQL Data Bases store data in the form of Columns. These Data Stores are mainly used to store and process very large amounts of data.

These Data Stores support Distributed/ Clustered Storage.

Apache Cassandra, HBase

Graph NoSQL Data Stores:

These NoSQL Data Bases store data in the form of graphs. These are very useful to store more connected Data.


That's it all about NoSQL Data Stores categories.

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