I have already discussed about slice function usage in Collection API and Arrays in my previous post. You can access that tutorial here: "Slice in Collection API and Array"In this post, we are going to discuss the following two things
- How slice function works of String class
- Difference between slice and substring functions of String class
- Any Difference between slice and substring functions of String class
The 'slice' function usage:
In Scala API, 'slice' function is used to select an interval of elements. It takes two parameters of Int type as shown below:
slice function syntax:
def slice(from-index: Int, until-index: Int): Seq[A]
Parameter | Usage |
Frist | Starting index (Inclusive). It should be zero or any any positive integer less than the length of the Collection or String or Array. |
Second | Ending index (Exclusive). |
String slice function Examples:
scala> val str = "Hello I'm doing good. How are you?"
str: String = Hello I'm doing good. How are you?
scala> str.slice(6,9)
res8: String = I'm
scala> val str = "Hello I'm doing good. How are you?"
str: String = Hello I'm doing good. How are you?
scala> str.slice(6,9)
res8: String = I'm
As we know, String index starts with zero.
Here from-index = 6 means
until-index = 9 (It's exclusive so we need to consider till index = 8 only)
Here from-index = 6 means
until-index = 9 (It's exclusive so we need to consider till index = 8 only)
String's substring function works same as it's slice function as shown below:
scala> str.substring(6,9)
res12: String = I'm
Here both str.slice(6,9) and str.substring(6,9) are returning same value.
Difference between slice and substring functions of String class
- Functionality wise and syntax wise there is no difference
- Performance is almost similar and ignorable.
scala> str(0)
res0: Char = H
Here it returns a Char, but not a String
scala> str(-1)
java.lang.StringIndexOutOfBoundsException: String index out of range: -1
at java.lang.String.charAt(
at scala.collection.immutable.StringOps$.apply$extension(StringOps.scala:38)
... 33 elided
scala> str.length
res2: Int = 34
scala> str(34)
java.lang.StringIndexOutOfBoundsException: String index out of range: 34
at java.lang.String.charAt(
at scala.collection.immutable.StringOps$.apply$extension(StringOps.scala:38)
... 33 elided
NOTE:- If we try to access String characters in out of range, we get StringIndexOutOfBoundsException as shown above.
String's character access returns Char where as substring & slice functions returns String as shown below.
scala> str(0)
res4: Char = H
scala> str.substring(0,1)
res5: String = H
scala> str.slice(0,1)
res6: String = H
That's it about slice function in Scala.
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