Monday 18 April 2016

Akka Framework 2.4.1 New Features


In my previous post, I have already discussed about Akka Framework 2.4.0 New Features. However, Lightbend team recently has release Akka 2.4.1 for Scala 2.11.7 and Java SE 8.

Akka 2.4.1 Release on: April 1st 2016.

Akka 2.4.1 release have the following new features or improvements:

  1. Shard region now kills shards more consistently on HandOff
  2. An empty shard region now shuts down correctly on graceful shutdown
  3. Using the distributed data mode the sharding coordinator updates correctly after leader downing
  4. Possibility to provide a custom supervision strategy for the BackOffSupervisor
  5. Problem with split brain on cluster startup under some circumstances solved
  6. A new Supervisor that supports exponential restart back-off semantics for actors reg Will try to deliver a Tutorial on Akka Framework soon through my new blog: ardless of their lifecycle model (the BackoffSupervisor overloads the meaning of self-termination)
  7. The complete list of closed tickets can be found in the 2.4.1 github issues milestone.

Will try to deliver a Tutorial on Akka Framework soon through my new blog:

Thank you.

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